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Brand Protection and Anti-Counterfeiting

Counterfeiting is thriving

Counterfeiting, a thriving industry, has broken out of the confines of luxury goods to spread its poison to everyday consumer goods such as medicine, toys, clothing, automobile and aeronautical spare parts. Counterfeit goods represent 10% of world sales, a figure that doubled between 2004 and 2005. In the European Union, seizures of fake foods and medicines were up by 80%. Faced with the extent of this scourge, countries and industries are starting to take action.

Secure packaging convinces

For everyday consumer goods, secure packaging is one of the most effective means of prevention. The fight against counterfeiting operates at three levels and the most effective systems combine several techniques. The first, public recognition features which are visible to the naked eye and aimed at consumers, including features such as overt watermarks, tamper-evident seals and holograms.

The second level features can be detected with a simple hand-held device and are aimed at those who are need to be aware of their existence: transport companies, customs agents and retailers. Typical features can include bubble tags, deformation sensors and invisible pigments. The final level, known only to a limited few, makes it possible to give a product unique and distinctive "fingerprint" providing irrefutable proof of it's authenticity, should a case finally come to court. Among the latter's technologies are DNA marking, Tagants, rare pigments and NMR.

SLEEVER® signature of authenticity

In addition to it's decorating, combining, informing and promoting functions, SLEEVER® can also guarantee the authenticity of high added-value goods. Concepts such as SEELCAP® and HOLOSLEEVE® enable Sleever International® to supply the particularly sensitive Wines and Spirits, Cosmetics, Perfumery, Toiletries and Pharmaceutical sectors with an overt anti-counterfeit signature which offers maximum security, excellent value for money and is easy to integrate into their processes.

HOLOSLEEVE®, developed in partnership with the European leader of high security holograms, Hologram Industries, offers the first heat-shrink labelling technology to integrate holograms. Proof of the group's capacity to remain one step ahead of the counterfeiters and in tune with market needs.