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Special mention at the Oscars de l'Emballage

In November, the prestigious Oscars de l'Emballage gave a special mention to the 'Cloche Saveur of Camembert Président', by Lactalis.

Président, number one Camembert brand of the Lactalis group, launched a new packaging in total contrast to market trends in the form of a miniature cheese cover, thereby surpassing the competition and consolidating the brand’s market leadership. The new packaging features a dome and a base, both of which are protected by Sleevercap®, designed by Sleever International. More information on Sleever web portal : 'High security measures for Camembert Président'.

In the wake of the success of the “Camembert cloche saveur” launch, Pierre Gorgeault, Packaging Development Director and Alain Apert, Purchasing Director, testify that:
“After a successful sales launch, the Cloche saveur Président has just won awards at the Oscars de l’Emballage 2007 and the Innovations LSA 2007 competitions.
The Lactalis purchasing team, and in particular, P. Georgeault, C. Bajas and C. Boulanger, would like to highlight the part played by Sleever International in this successful project and to thank all those that contributed during its development."