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WorldStar for Packaging - YPIOCA cachaça

In November, the World Packaging Organisation has awarded a prestigious prize for the beverage sector to Sleever International for the collector for the 160th anniversary of the YPIOCA cachaça.

The World Packaging Organisation is a not for profit, non-governmental, international federation of national packaging institutes, regional packaging federations and other interested parties including individuals, corporations and trade associations.

WorldStars are presented only to those packages which, having already won recognition in a national competition, are compared by an expert panel of judges to similar packages from around the world. Awards are based on the judges' consensus that a package is superior in its own right, and better in its class in execution or innovation by comparison. WorldStars 2007 attracted some 291 entries from 32 countries.

For this special event, YPIOCA wanted a to compel immediate and unquestionable recognition at the very top of the range in the world of cachaças. The bottle is completely covered by SLEEVER® in an intense black, the gold text results from specific ink pigments.

The jury particulary appreciated the design of the collector and its impact, and the technical performance in terms of shape constraints.

Aline Telles Chaves, Marketing Director YPIOCA, says : "Congratulations to Sleever International for the WorldStar for Packaging ! We have built a successfull partnership with Sleever International, and today it has started to be bear fruits !".