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A Sustainable Shrink Sleeve Label for the recovery of PET Containers

LOGO LDPET: Support PET Recycling

 Sleever International innovates and launches the LDPET, the first low density PET Shrink Sleeve, (or Heat Shrink Sleeve), which allows the recycling of used PET bottles, thus offering an excellent packaging alternative to align with European and Global Sustainability’s Directives on the Environment and the recyclability of packaging.

 It is an ever growing problem for Brands to be able to insert their products on a circular economy model to reduce the overall packaging waste generation and positively connect with their consumers emotionally

Supporting Global PET Recycling Practices with our innovative LDPET Shrink sleeve Label

Meeting the Recyclability Objectives of Manufacturers and Promoting the Circular Economy.

 The non-alcoholic beverage market (soda & soft-drinks, juices, waters, still or carbonated drinks), has been confronted for several years with a real issue: the separation of the packaging components (Bottle, Cap and Label) for their correct recyclability and the recovery of PET bottles.

 We joined their reflections in order to develop our new product innovation, the LDPET (Low Density PET Film) which allows manufacturers to drastically improve their ecological yields and recyclability Performance Results, by integrating their products and packaging in a circular economy approach, where value is retained through reused PET containers.

The LDPET innovation at the service of the Environment and Beverage Markets

 This unique technological innovation brings many operational, functional and Marketing benefits by offering Brands an alternative to recover their PET bottles after the use of the product, in order to give them a 2nd life from recycled raw materials.

 Our low density PET film (SI-TPEG/050 ZL) developed by Sleever Technologies, facilitates the removal and separation of the shrink sleeve label from their containers without any manual operation.

 This specific density allows it to be easily sorted by decantation (floating) during the recycling process with the container. The LDPET labels float to the surface, while the PET flakes from the bottles sink to the bottom of the Bath, allowing their recovery and reusability while ensuring waste stream separation.

 In addition, the films are printed with inks specially designed to withstand and resist this separation process ("No-Bleeding" inks) without any risk of contaminating neither the Recycling Bath, nor the PET flakes, from which will originate the next rPET containers.

 This major innovation allows us to obtain a recycled PET of excellent quality that meets the expectations of Brands and recyclers.

The main advantages of our sustainable Shrink Sleeve Label are:

  1.  Floating Packaging Label: Low Material Gravity

  2.  Automatic Separation of the Sleeve Label

  3.  Do Not Contaminate the Recycling Bath

  4.  Guarantees the Recovery of PET Containers

  5.  Aligns with Waste Recycling Guidelines

  6.  Reduces Total Packaging Thickness and Weight

 Through continuous collaboration and partnerships with the many Market Players and Recycling Groups, we offer a solution that effectively tackles and reduces the Environmental Impact of traditional plastic packaging, while reshaping the future of the Label Industry.

A turnkey and Complete Machine-Sleeve System Offer

 Through our complete mastery and expertise of the Plastic Film Manufacturing steps, it’s Transformation into a Shrink Sleeve Label and its Application on the containers, Sleever International offers beverage manufacturers a turnkey Machine-Sleeve System that is perfectly suited for an optimal and fast start-up.

 This solution enables full (Full Body Shrink Sleeve Label) or partial (Partial Shrink Sleeve Label) labeling of bottles ranging from 20 cl to 2 liters, at speeds ranging from 15,000 to 30,000 bottles /hour (up to 250 - 500 bottles/minute).

Suited and Adapted for both Infrared (Hot Air) and Steam shrinking technologies, our LDPET product innovation can be implemented under 3 different film thicknesses in order to adapt to your Brand needs.

 In addition, with the objective of minimizing costs and carbon footprint emissions, our LDPET Machines guarantee up to a 30% to 50% energy savings compared to traditional Shrinking Machines.

A Globally Recognized and Certified Environmental Packaging Solution

 Our LDPET packaging solution has been approved by several European organizations (Cleanway in the UK, Unisort in Germany, Returpack in Sweden) and is in the process of being approved in North and South America.

 Initially developed to address the issues in the non-alcoholic beverage Industry, our LDPET innovation opens up new possibilities for other Markets that use PET containers, such as edible oils, household products and many more.

A Continuous Proactive Participation in Environmental Discussions and Policies

 Since 2014 we have been collaborating with various National organizations to ensure our product’s compliance with European and Global Recycling Directives regarding the effectiveness of our sustainable Shrink Sleeve Label Solution, the LDPET:

  •  Member since 2014 of the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR), and Recognition from them of our products’ efficiency to maximize PET containers’ recyclability and reusability.
  •  Member since 2015 of the Association for the Recycling of PET Containers in Europe (Petcore), and Recognition of the usefulness of our product by the European PET Bottle Platform (EBPB) - a voluntary initiative supported by a multiplicity of Associations for the recycling of plastics in Europe.
  •  Member since 2020 of the FINAT (International Federation of Adhesive and Thermal Adhesive Manufacturers and Converters) label working group.
  •  Member since 2021, in the sustainability working group of the Association of Beverage Machinery Industry (ABMI).
Our Sustainable Shrink Sleeve Label awarded for its contribution to the Environment

 Since the launch of our LDPET product innovation in 2014, we have been repeatedly recognized and rewarded with various Packaging Awards and Oscars:

  •  Awarded with the "2014 Packaging Oscar" in the Environment category.
  •  AWA awards Sleever with the "2015 AWA Sleeve Label Awards" for our environmental consideration.
  •  Our LDPET Mineral Waters innovation was recognized with the "2016 Innovation Awards" trophy in the "raw materials and consumables" and "packaging components" categories.
  •  LDPET Mineral Waters was again awarded the same year with the "2016 Packaging Oscar" in the environment category for its contribution to sustainable development and the circular economy.
  •  EVIAN Fruits & Plants receives a "Silver Pentawards 2016" for its packaging design with our LDPET solution.
  •  LDPET Mineral Waters awarded with the "2017 AWA Sleeve Label Award" in the environmental category with Volvic's "Star Wars" edition.
  •  Awarded the "2019 Technology Excellence Award" in the category "Non adhesive applications/Sleeves" by the participants of PackExpo LasVegas 2019.
  •  Awarded again by AWA in 2020 with the "International Sleeve Label Awards 2020" in the category "Contribution to the environment" with its collaboration with San Pellegrino Essenza Waters.