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A Technology Excellence Award for Sleever International's LDPET®
Pack Expo Las Vegas, a world leading packaging and processes event, has honoured Sleever International with a Technology Excellence Award, in the General Packaging Category. This prestigious prize rewards LDPET® product, respectful of the circular economy, promoting bottle-to-bottle recycling of clear PET bottles.
2019 was a record-breaking edition with more than 2000 exhibitors and over 31.000 visitors, up over more than 8% compared to the previous show.After a shortlist of a 100 applications, the Technology Excellence Awards distinguished innovations and products in 5 different categories, out of 15 finalists.
The Technology Excellence Award, created by Pack Expo, is a unique recognition, as it is given by the market itself, and not by a jury. Indeed, the show’s visitors, mainly purchasing managers, have evaluated the innovative and excellence characteristics of the technologies and products. Sleever International is the only French company distinguished by a Technology Excellence Award at Pack Expo Las Vegas in 2019.
LDPET® product, low density shrink sleeve labels with an Infra-Red A-PET type signature , provide full body, 360° decoration for premium differentiation, while permitting complete recovery and recycling of clear PET bottles. After collection and optical sorting, the bottles with LDPET® the clear PET mechanical recycling process.
The PET bottle is then sent to a recovery station, to be ground, washed and rinsed. During the washing stage, clear PET and colored LDPET® flakes are separated by decantation process. Clear PET flakes are re-sorted & then sent to extrusion purification units & will be used to create new pre-forms and then new r-PET bottles.
Qualified and approved since 2014 by major recycler associations including APR (Association of Plastic Recyclers) and EPBP (European PET Bottle Platform), LDPET® assists in the recovery of food-grade rPET, through enabling “bottle-to-bottle” closed loop recycling.
Sleever International has teamed up with the mineral waters leading players for over than 15 years to implement LDPET® product on industrial projects worldwide.
In that respect, brands marketed in France, Europe, and in the USA like Evian, Volvic or Pure Life have chosen LDPET® to add value to their bottles design.
To support the brands commitments to sustainable development, Sleever International offers an integrated system solution, allowing the LDPET® implementation on bottles with the Combisteam LDPET® machine, specifically engineered to its characteristics, and providing optimized industrial performances.
In order to reduce its carbon footprint, the energy consumption of the Combisteam LDPET® machine is reduced by 50% compared to the available equipments on the market.
Building on that expertise at an international level, Sleever International is now expanding LDPET® product to new market segments.
LDPET® offers allies the potential to unleash creativity on bottles design and decoration, whilst protecting the environment.