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Innovation, the way to sustainable development: Sleever conference at Interpack (28th April 2008)

Minimising environmental impact – a reality thru innovations At Sleever International, our commitment to the environment is a daily goal. Sleever International invites you to share the way to sustainable development thanks to Sleever® innovations, in the conference organised during Interpack in Dusseldorf, Monday April 28thl, from 10.00 am to 12.00 am, Room 6 CCD / South.

The conference will be animated by Mr Lyons (Chief Editor of Package design), with the participation of Mr Eric Fresnel (Sleever International, President), Professor Suren Erkman (PhD, President of SOFIES – Solutions for Industrial Ecosystems), and Pascal Chapon (PhD, R&D Director, Sleever Technologies).

Join us now, the places are limited !
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