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RECYCLASS: SLEEVER®, the first company inthe label word to be certified by Recyclass for PCR material integration

RECYCLASS: SLEEVER®, THE 1ST FRENCH COMPANY IN THE LABEL WORLD TO BE CERTIFIED At the initiative of the association of European recyclers PRE (Plastics Recyclers Europe), Recyclass is an organization which gathers the actors of the whole value chain on a European scale. Many brands, including several of our customers, are members of Recyclass, which is recognized by European eco-organizations and US recyclers. Recyclass aims to help brands and converters to improve the eco-design of their plastic packaging. To this end, the organization has developed evaluation methodologies and certification of the recyclability of their packaging. This Sleever certification allows us to guarantee that the recycled material introduced in our films is indeed a post-consumer recycled material (PCR). We are very proud of this RecyClass certification which accompanies the development of our new products integrating 30% PCR, to reinforce the circular economy flows, and thus allow brands to reach their commitments in terms of sustainable development. Sleever's commitment in this field is constant, to accompany our customers in accelerating their ecological transition.