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Sleever® Collector solution at Pack & Gift Exhibition in Paris, on 11th & 12th June 2008

Coca-Cola Zero limited edition, already a collector

Pack&Gift Innovative new features to dynamise your brands!

You use event based and promotional packaging to dynamise your sales, your communication or breathe new life into your product range? For the very first time, more than 100 exhibitors will present their best solutions for your gift packs, limited and collector’s editions, promotional offers, travel retail offers...

Pack & Gift will take place in Paris (June 11th & 12th), at the Porte de Versailles.

On display on Sleever International booth, Sleever® Collector solution, that makes it possible to create promotional packaging by addressing every stage of development. Sleever Collector transforms standard packaging into unique promotional packaging.

Come and find the solution to dynamise your sales, we look forward to meeting you on our booth : C9 !