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Mono-oriented shrink films
35 years of formulation expertise in shrink films
Shrink film Formulation, the first component of the Sleever System, is the province of Sleever Technologies which develops, adapts and produces a range of mono-oriented heat shrink films whose intrinsic properties form the basis of SLEEVER® and its many applications. A commitment to R&D (30% of group turnover), forms the spearhead and driving force of the group's industrial set-up, enabling Sleever International to anticipate today the sleeves of tomorrow.
At the cutting edge of mono-oriented film technology, this world-class division employs a team of 200 engineers and technicians, some fifteen of whom are committed to research and development of the latest generation of polymer applications within a key manufacturing facility that is unique.
Over 50 exclusive formulation-materials
At its production site located in south-west France, Sleever Technologies develops the physical-chemical and mechanical characteristics of thermoplastic polymer formulations. For each of these the division adapts the elasticity, shrink curve, softening point, transparency, thickness (± 3 microns) and mechanical resistance to create the performance level required.
Among the most sought after characteristics are surface aspect, barrier properties (UV, O2, CO2), special effects (holograms, soft touch), resistance qualities (shock, thermal effect, humidity) and recyclability. Over 50 exclusive formulations are currently available to create SLEEVER® range of solutions that can be adapted to your project.
A specific nomenclature
The shrink films are classified according to a nomenclature that immediately identifies their origin (PVC, PET, OPS, OPP, TPE-G, TPE-S) and specific properties (thickness, resistance to pasteurisation, sterilisation, UV Barrier, high transparency).
Sleever Technologies offers you the exceptional properties of these materials and guides you in selecting the most appropriate film to create your most ambitious projects, as proven by the billions of products enhanced worldwide by these high performance materials.