Sleever Trends > Ajinomoto - a successful combination of tradition and modernity
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Ajinomoto - a successful combination of tradition and modernity
Ajinomoto, world leader in seasonings and food ingredients, decided to rejuvenate the image of its star and founding product, monosodium glutamate. Enhanced image and tamper-evident features came to the fore with a new Sleever® design.
Reviving a century-old product
Patented by Professor Ikeda, founder of the group in 1909, aji-no-moto - "essence of taste" in Japanese - is a seasoning based on salt and glutamate (a natural amino acid) renowned for its ability to enhance the flavour of soups, noodles, sauces and cooked meals. For many years, this traditional seasoning was sold in screen-printed screw-top glass bottles with a tamper proof cap.
In an evolving market increasingly focused on exports, the product clearly needed a new lease of life. The food ingredients' giant decided to totally rethink its packaging components. The objectives were to adopt a resolutely modern and international design and move upmarket by offering the consumer a tamper-proof guarantee. Three new varieties intended for Brazil and the United States were launched packed in a lighter, unbreakable PET bottle with spout, entirely covered by Sleever® for optimum decoration and protection.
1/10th millimetre tamper-proof precision
Sleever system approach provided the solution to the issue of multipurpose products and modernity. Besides its intrinsic qualities, the UV sensitive properties of the 60-µm SI-OPS-TF/060-U film chosen for this application is also put to use by the company's quality control department.
Whilst preserving the transparency essential to product visibility, the four-colour printing uses the entire 360° surface for maximum consumer information, logo, graphics, recommendations for use, etc.
The tamper-proof seal - a horizontal micro-perforation combined with a V cut, ensures ease of opening without affecting the appearance of the sleeve. This is possible thanks to the high precision positioning of Etisleeve® machine which ensures that the perforated line is perfectly registered with the bottle's shoulder. The shrink, adapted to the sophisticated shape with concave surfaces, was carried out by Etiskinner® at speeds of 6000 bottles/hour at Ajinomoto's manufacturing plant.
A shining success for this famous seasoning, which is still enjoying double-digit growth outside of the Land of the Rising Sun.